Municipality Signage

Signs for city and county building and complexes , fire and police departments, parks and recreation facilities, and public parking structures

What can we do for you?

Signage systems that guide residents and visitors to their destinations

Fusion Sign is here to help your city create a comprehensive, user-friendly, and attractive signage and wayfinding system for the general public directing them to specific locations. These signs provide directions to various public and private destinations, municipal buildings and complexes, parks and recreation facilities, fire and police stations, parking structures as well as street and regulatory signage.

Citywide Kiosk

Sign structures with multiple panels that direct the public to new housing developments or apartment complexes within a city. A city sign program would typically have a city logo and compliment the city surroundings.


Monument signs can welcome visitors to your city or identify a public complex or facility. These structures' fabrications are versatile with LED, changeable letters, lightboxes, or channel letters.

Park Signs

Signage in city parks or recreational areas that displays the park name and provides directional routes to locations within the park or recreational facility.

Regulatory Signs

Regulatory signs describe a range of signs used to indicate or reinforce traffic laws, regulations, or requirements. They include Stop Signs, Yield Signs, Speed Limit Signs, Do Not Enter, Handicapped, One Way Signs, and HOV Signs.

Street Signs

Traffic signs or street signs are signs erected at the side of or above roads to give instructions or provide information to drivers.


A system of information signs that help navigate and guide drivers and pedestrians to a physical location or environment and enhance their visitors' understanding and enjoyment of the place.

Welcome Signs

A type of sign normally found at the entrance to and exit from a city or town. These signs can be fabricated to fit with the overall city architectural design and aesthetic.

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